Astoria, NY -These are troubled times for immigrants throughout the United States. The American Dream is increasingly threatened by the Trump Administration’s latest anti-immigrant policies, but we at the Center for the Integration and Advancement of New Americans (CIANA) are on the front lines, helping our immigrant clients.
This is why we’re launching our 2018 Giving Tuesday campaign, “What are You Thankful For?”, to better serve those who need us most at this crucial hour and to remind ourselves of how lucky we are in this country.

One of CIANA's Elementary After School Students, dressed up for our End-of-Year Party, June 22, 2018, Photo: Kara McKurdy
CIANA was originally founded 12 years ago by Emira Habiby Browne to reverse an increased marginalization of new immigrants from traditional societies in the post-9/11 era. CIANA’s unique model of holistic services for the whole family was and remains a beacon for immigrant integration. This year alone, we have served close to 450 clients across our various departments of adult and youth education, social support, and legal immigration. With your help, we can give more of them a chance at the American Dream in the years to come.
By donating to CIANA this Giving Tuesday, November 27th, you will be a vital part of helping New York’s newest members become a part of their new community, just as so many have done before them in less trying times.

Two families in CIANA's Elementary After School Program pause for a photo at CIANA's Halloween Party, October 30, 2018. Photo: Skyler Reid
As we near the end of this year, we can reflect on what we are grateful for in our own lives, which is why as part of Giving Tuesday, we’ll be sharing our own stories about the community we work with and how they have adjusted to life in the US. We want you to tell us what you’re thankful for by posting it on social media with the hashtags #CIANA #GivingTuesday #ThankfulTogether -and also on Giving Tuesday itself to donate to CIANA to help us help them!