Eyad and tutor tackle homework at CIANA's Elementary After School Tutoring Program. Photo: Karen Smul
Now that autumn has arrived and everyone is settled into their daily routines, CIANA is excited to relaunch its educational programming for adults and children for the 2019-2020 school year.
New Starts with CWE Partnership
We’re proud to be partnering with the Consortium for Worker Education (CWE) for our adult Civics and ESL classes. CWE is a non-profit organization that provides workforce preparation to over 70,000 workers in NYC annually. For the 2019-2020 school year, CWE has created a curriculum for CIANA to address the needs of our clients in their everyday and work lives as well as to help them prepare for their citizenship exams.
CWE is also providing a regular teacher for CIANA’s civics and ESL classes. The teacher, Albricia Moreira, is originally from Ecuador and started out with CWE as a student over 25 years ago. She has been teaching for about 15 years and was impressed by the range of nationalities and backgrounds of CIANA’s clients.
“I love the fact that regardless of people’s situation you always try to lend a helping hand for them,” Moreira says.
We’re excited to welcome all our new students, as well as our returning students who wish to continue to expand their English skills and civics knowledge.
Leadership and Promotions at After School Programs
Our elementary after school tutoring program is now in its third week. We’ve enjoyed welcoming old and new faces among our students and tutors, and we anticipate even more students joining as the school year continues.
Our SONYC Middle School program began on September 16, led by Program Coordinator Jose Velasco. Originally a tutor at CIANA’s elementary school program, Jose became a group leader for our middle schoolers in 2018, and is now running the program on his own for the first time.
All of our classes and programs are being overseen and aided by our Fall 2019 Educational Programs Intern, Lena Gran, who is a student at the SUNY New Paltz Global Engagement Program that has students gaining real life experience at an organization that works in global affairs or immigration. In addition to enrolling new students in both our adult and children’s programs, Gran also tutors our elementary school students. A senior in college, Gran will help ensure that CIANA’s classes and after-school programs all run smoothly.
If you are interested in enrolling in our adult education classes or if you would like to register your child in either of our after-school programs, give us a call at (718) 545-4040 for more information.
If you would like to volunteer at any of our programs, please email Joe DeMaria (joe@cianainc.org) with your resume and availability